Peer support
Almost 6 million people in the US care for an ill or disabled partner
Chronic illness changes relationships. When spouses or partners transition to caregiver and patient roles, they often face the loss of that singular intimate relationship and the companionship it brings. Spousal caregivers spend more hours caregiving each week, doing more intense tasks, and with less outside assistance, than other types of caregivers. The financial impacts of caregiving are different for well spouses from other types of caregivers too - often the partner with illness and the caregiver must give up paid employment (at the same time that expenses increase due to medical costs). Caregiving for your wife, husband, or partner impacts the decision to have children, the way children are raised, and where and how one lives, works, and retires. There are few areas of life that are left untouched by the caregiver/patient role in partnered relationships. Well Spouse Association provides support and resources to people of all ages who care for partners with chronic illness or disability. We provide support whether you feel like a caregiver or not. We are an inclusive and welcoming community - no matter your age, partnership arrangement, sexuality, orientation, gender, or religious beliefs.

Does almond crusted tilapia in browned butter sauce sound good? What about a cool, refreshing watermelon soup? Or, a hearty bowl of  jerk chicken chili?  Then, look no further than the Well Spouse Cookbook.  This cookbook, which contains nearly 200 healthful, easy, and delicious recipes is on sale now.

This is a home-grown effort -- many recipes were contributed by Well Spouse® Association members. Compiled by WSA Board member, Amy Shaffer-Crawley

Cost: $13 to order from the office (postage included). 

Mail check to: 

Well Spouse Cookbook
63 West Main St., Suite H
Freehold, NJ 07728 USA

or call the office at 800-838-0879 to place your order with your credit card.

All proceeds benefit the Well Spouse® Association.



WSA addresses the unique challenges that well spouses face every day


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"Some of the best advice for caregivers will come from other caregivers."

-New York Times

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